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Introducing Mbooked's Premier Event Promotion Service

Organizing an event is challenging enough, but promoting it? That’s a whole different ballgame. It demands time, precision, and expertise – resources that are often scarce when you’re already juggling numerous event-related tasks.

Promotion isn’t just about posting a few times on social media or sending out an email blast. It’s about understanding where your potential attendees hang out, tailoring the content to each platform, and timing it perfectly. It’s about the nitty-gritty of A/B testing emails, monitoring engagement metrics, and refining strategies on the go.

Sounds overwhelming? It doesn’t have to be.

What we do:

At Mbooked, we’re not just about promoting your event – we’re about creating a comprehensive promotional strategy tailored to your unique needs. Here’s a snapshot of our services:

    1. Event Poster Design and Promotional Materials: Captivating visuals to capture your audience’s attention.
    2. Social Media Management:
      • Schedule posts promoting your event page across your social media platforms.
      • Schedule posts specifically tailored for your Facebook event.
    3. Email Marketing: We meticulously plan and execute email campaigns, ensuring your message reaches the inboxes of your target audience.
    4. Paid Ad Campaigns:
      • Strategically run paid ads on social media to maximize your event’s visibility.
      • Launch Google AdSense campaigns, driving traffic directly to your event.
    5. Audience Engagement:
      • Proactively engage with your followers on the Facebook event page, fostering a sense of community.
      • Post-event engagement to keep the momentum going and gather invaluable feedback.
    6. Research: Deep dive into understanding your target audience, ensuring every promotional effort hits the mark.
    7. Content Creation: Craft compelling promotional content tailored for your event landing page.
    8. Analytics Integration: Seamlessly integrate Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics, enabling you to track, analyse, and optimize your promotional efforts in real-time.

Why Choose Us?

  • Boosted Visibility: Ensure your event stands out and reaches the right audience.
  • Targeted Promotion: Our algorithms and strategies ensure your event is promoted to those most likely to attend.
  • Complete Analytics: Track your promotion’s success with comprehensive analytics.
  • Affordable Rates: High-quality service doesn’t have to break the bank.


  • Seamless integration with Mbooked’s ticketing system and any other ticketing systems.
  • Expert consultation to guide your promotional strategy.
  • Multi-channel promotion for maximum reach.

Tailored Pricing for Every Event

At Mbooked, we recognize that every event is unique, with its own set of requirements and audience size. That’s why our pricing isn’t one-size-fits-all. Instead, it’s carefully calibrated based on the scale of your event and the specific services you select. This approach ensures that you get the best value for your investment, paying only for what you truly need. Whether you’re organizing a cosy seminar or a grand festival, we have a package that aligns with your objectives and budget.


Ready to elevate your event?

Reach out to us today and let’s get started. For a limited time, get 10% off your first promotional campaign!

Mbooked Promo Request

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